Marangoni is a world leader in the tyre re-treading equipment industry. The 1980’s saw the immersion of Marangoni into the Chinese Market. Due to their careful and thorough design, the original tyre re-treading equipment that Marangoni provided to the Chinese military, is still utilised to this day. From 2007, Marangoni decided to fully penetrate the vast Chinese Market with the establishment of a representative office in Shanghai and a fully functional Trading quarters (Marangoni(Shanghai) trading Co., Ltd). Business development and customer service has thus improved, creating a base for broader trading in the South East.
In 2009, Marangoni fully initialised the importation business with the help of E-HENG. With E-HENG’S assistance, they have ascertained a seamless entry into the Chinese Market. During the 7-year long cooperation, E-HENG has been dedicated in helping Marangoni to service the many clients in the local Chinese market, with advanced re-treading equipment, the latest formula tread rubber, advanced re-treading service concept and latest technology developed in Italy. E-HENG and Chineseagent, are always proud of the valuable services and devoted to helping each client to better grow in the Chinese market.